MILITIA MILITARY ROLLS, 1874-1877, fractional


     R.  MILITIA MILITARY ROLLS, 1874-1877, fractional



     This subseries consists of 24 rolls, for 5 captains, with many

     apparently in duplicate.  Most are for Captain McNelly's company

     from Washington County. In addition, there are two detachments

     used as escorts to a trial in Indianola County (September, 1874);

     plus two companies on duty quelling disturbances occasioned by

     removal of the county seat of Van Zandt County (1877).  They are

     arranged chronologically.  Including muster-in rolls, muster-out

     rolls, payrolls, and muster/payrolls, these rolls give name,

     rank, dates from and to, signatures, remarks, pay, plus various

     amounts allotted for travel and equipment. Except for Colonel

     Bower's contingent, these militia men have been included in the

     search room "Ranger Rolls" card index.



          Drawer 401-801

               13-14.  Captains McNelly, Forshey, and Weeks

         Box 401-746


                  42.  Captains McNelly, Forshey, Weeks, and Bower



     Captain                  Unit


     McNelly, L. H.           [Company A] Volunteer Militia,

                                   Washington County

                                   July 25, 1874 (muster-in roll)

                                   July 25, 1874-February 24, 1875


                                   July 25, 1874-March 31, 1875


                                   July 25, 1874-March 31, 1875

                                        (muster-out roll)

                                   May 2, 1875 (muster-in roll)

                                   April 1-August 31, 1875

                                   April 1-August 31, 1875

                                   April 1-August 31, 1875

                                        Drawer 401-801, Folder 13


                                   July 31, 1875

                                   September 1-November 30, 1875

                                   December 1, 1875-February 29, 1876

                                   March 1-May 31, 1876

                                        Drawer 401-801, Folder 14


                                   April 1-August 31, 1875

                                   December 1, 1875-February 29, 1876

                                   December 1, 1875-February 29, 1876

                                   March 1-May 31, 1876

                                        Box 401-746, Folder 42


     Forshey, John M.         Uniformed Volunteer Company,

        (Lieutenant)               Washington Guards

                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                        Drawer 401-801, Folder 14


                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                        Box 401-746, Folder 42


          (on detail duty as escort to Bill Taylor to attend trial at



     Weeks, Nicholas          Lone Star Rifles, Militia, Galveston

                                   County (on Indianola Expedition)

                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                        Drawer 401-801, Folder 14


                                   September 21-27, 1874

                                        Box 401-746, Folder 42


     Bower, E. G.             Lamar Rifles and Stone Greys

        (Colonel)                  (Dallas)

                                   September 18-19, 1877

                                        Box 401-746, Folder 42


          (on duty quelling disturbances occasioned by removal of

     county seat from Canton to Wills Point, Van Zandt County)


     Hall, George A.          Company (La Grange)

                                   November 3, 1877 (muster-in roll)

                                        Box 401-746, Folder 42